When I dare to be powerful -- to use my strength in the service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid. ~Audre Lorde
Thursday, July 20, 2006
We write short shorts...
Either Anne Lamott or Natalie Goldberg (my two writing spirit guides) has an exercise called "Short Assignments," and that's how I'm going to approach my blog for the next ten days or so. Short-shorts to keep me writing and help me get through the Documentary Video Institute, where twenty-four students descend upon CDS from across the country to learn how make movies in eight-twelve hour days (on average). It's fun, but kind of exhausting. Enjoy the short-shorts!
Bipolar Girl is my alter-ego, the aggressively compassionate and utterly practical superheroine who cheers me on as I move through my world, dealing (with some success) with bipolar disorder (type II: heavy on the depression with a bit of hypomania thrown in for fun!). I'm out about being bipolar, but not defined by it.Bipolar Girl Rules the World and Other Stories is also the name of my upcoming animated documentary. Stay tuned for updates!
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